Tasks Integrations and Notifications

The Task and Notification feature in Secureframe empowers you to create notifications and tasks in response to specific event triggers within the platform. This feature ensures that important tasks and events are seamlessly incorporated into your day-to-day workflow tools, allowing for efficient management and tracking.

Tasks and notifications allows you to more effectively track outstanding issues, tasks, and events using the Secureframe platform. We understand the significance of integrating Secureframe into your preferred project or ticket management tools.

Currently, we offer integrations with Email, Slack, Jira, ClickUp, Linear, and Microsoft Teams to seamlessly connect your Secureframe notifications and tasks to these platforms.

Creating a Task

There are multiple ways to create a Tasks in Secureframe depending on your needs. 

  • Task Dashboard - On the Secureframe dashboard, click the Tasks tab, then click the + sign to create a single test and customize to your preference. 
  • Bulk from selected Tests - On the Test page, you can select 1 or more test using the check box next to each test. Once a few are selected you will see a modal with a few bulk options, one of which allows users to create + Tasks. (Note: this bulk option will utilize tokens to automatically display the selected Test Name in the tasks)

  • Tests Details Page - In a Test details window, a tab for Tasks is now present. Clicking into the Task tab, an option to Add Task will be available. (Note: Tasks created from Tests page will utilize tokens to automatically display the selected Test Name in the tasks)

Each of the various methods of task creation will ask the user for Name, Description, Assigned, Due Date and Delivery method. 

Depending on the delivery method chosen, additional options may be available such as Auto-complete when test is passing, Components, Reporter, and more. 

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Once you click Add Tasks, a modal will then appear to create a new task for the specific test selected.

Tasks Delivery Options (Available Integrations)

We have a suite of options available for our Tasks Management system.

Once you have made that integration connection, that Delivery option will be available on all create tasks pages.

  • Email - Tasks will be delivered via email (default options)
  • JIRA - Tasks will be delivered via JIRA Ticket
  • ClickUp - Tasks will be delivered via ClickUp
  • Linear - Tasks will be delivered via Linear
  • Microsoft Teams - Tasks will be delivered via Teams message
  • Slack - Tasks will be delivered via Slack message

These options may be greyed out or unavailable until you Create a new connection with that Integration in question.

Head into the Integrations Page, then Available Tab, then search in either Communications Tools or Task Management for the integrations listed above. 

Tasks Management Dashboard

On the main Dashboard page of Secureframe, a tab for Tasks is available to view any and all, open or closed, tasks that are in the queue.

From this view, Admins can easily see a list of all Tasks, Overdue Tasks, My Tasks, Due dates, Assignee, Delivery type, status details, and more. 

Any tasks can be edited, reassigned or deleted by clicking on the 3 dot menu or directly on the tasks name. Once in the detail screen, you can see the full tasks details, make changes, upload files, or mark Complete. (Note: Once a tasks is marked Completed it cannot be undone.)


Table Filters are available to sort Tasks by specific filter conditions and or display certain columns of data. 

Integration with Microsoft Teams

Once you've chosen Microsoft Teams as the preferred delivery method, you'll encounter extra fields that require completion.

Selecting a Team, Channel, and Message fields are required in order to send this task to the preferred channel.
Depending on where in the platform you are adding a task (Ex, from the Tests Page), tokens {{test_name}} will appear for your convenience.

Reply updates to the task will be reflected in the Teams message.

Once the task has been completed in Secureframe, the Resolution field message will be updated in Slack to mark this item as complete.

Integration with Slack

Once you've chosen Slack as the preferred delivery method, you'll encounter extra fields that require completion.

The Channel and Message fields are required in order to add this task and to send it to the preferred channel. 

In the Message field, leverage tokens in the message to automatically pull information into the field when the task is created.

Each Delivery method will provide available tokens below the Message box, such as {{task_assignee}}, {{test_name}} and more. 

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Once the task has been completed in Secureframe, the Resolution field message will update in Slack to cohesively share updates and mark this item as complete. 

Slack messaging examples:


Integration with Jira

Like the Slack delivery method, selecting Jira will display additional fields that should be populated.

Selecting a Project will display an Issue Type field. Depending on the Issue Type, required and optional fields will populate in the modal. These include, but are not limited to, Description, Components, and Priority.

In the Summary and Description fields, leverage tokens in the message to automatically pull information into the field when the task is created.

The Resolution fields will pull ticket statuses and resolutions from Jira. These can be populated using the dropdown menu when clicking within the fields. When the task is completed, Secureframe will update the Jira ticket with the next integration sync.

If a ticket is created and closed in Jira from a Secureframe task, upon the next automatic or manual sync of the Jira integration in Secureframe, the Secureframe task will be automatically updated based on the ticket and its status. If the task in Jira is marked as done, that will also update in Secureframe and close the task.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I complete a task in Secureframe? 

  • Marking a task as complete can be done from the Dashboard Tasks View by marking the radio button to the left of the task. 

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  • You can also complete a task from the test itself by selecting the radio button on the Task tab of the test. 

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How do I bulk create tasks on the Test page?

  • Selecting multiple tests on the Test page will populate an option to Add Task. Once the desired tests have been selected, click Add Task and a modal will appear to create the task. Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 4.25.54 PM.png

Can I edit a task? 

  • Yes, you may edit an open task by selecting the 3 dot menu next to the task and click Edit. Closed tasks are not available to edit. After selecting edit, the edit task modal will appear, allowing you to edit the task. 

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What does the “resolution fields” do in Task creation?

  • These fields are used when a task is closed from Secureframe either manually or automatically.  When you close these tasks, the resolution will either populate the ticket fields accordingly for ticketing integrations like Jira or comment on a message thread for integrations like Slack.

How do I connect a Write integration? 

  • For Jira or Slack, in order to allow Secureframe to write into the external integrations, you will need to reconnect these integrations using the integration connection form with the "Enable write permissions" check box selected.

  • If write access is not enabled, you will see a message of "Create new connection..." and the option to "Check vendor connection" when trying to select a delivery option when creating a new task. 

Is it possible to create multiple delivery notifications with a single Secureframe task?

  • Yes, when creating a Secureframe task, you can select multiple delivery mechanisms to deliver the message / create the ticket in your external system(s) of choice. 

Can Test Owners and Task Owners be different?

  • Yes, both the Test Owner and Task owner can be 2 different users.


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