
What is Kolide integration?

Our Kolide integration automates compliance checks and evidence collection for four requirements:

  • Antivirus
  • Disk Encryption
  • Firewall
  • Screen Lock

We cannot pull data for the following:

  • Password Policy - we are unable to pull the Password policy check for Kolide devices due to limitations of the API. (Note, you can pass this test with manual upload)

How do I connect Kolide Service in Secureframe?

In order to connect Kolide service in a Secureframe account, the following checks linked in the Name below need to be enabled in your account. These checks must remain active at all times.

  • Note: Clicking on the links below will redirect you to the Kolide website where you will need to login with your Kolide credentials as shown below:Screenshot_2023-02-01_at_2.42.40_PM.png

Category: Disk Encryption

  • Name: Linux Disk Encryption
    • Require Full Disk Encryption
    • Supported OS: Linux
  • Name: FileVault
    • Require FileVault Encryption on Primary Disk
    • Supported OS: macOS
  • Name: Bitlocker
    • Require Bitlocker Encryption on Primary Disk
    • Supported OS: Windows

Category: Screen Lock

Category: Firewall

Category: Antivirus

Permissions, Fields Pulled, Controls, and Automated Tests

  1. Click the provided link or navigate to the “Integration” page.
  2. Select the “Available” tab.
  3. Search for the integration.
  4. Click “View Details”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why doesn't Kolide show me data for Password policy enforcement for user endpoints (Kolide) test?

  • While the Kolide integration does pull in data for Hard Drive, User End Point, Firewall, Anti-Malware and more, it does NOT currently provide data for Secureframe to pull in Password Policy. This particular test from Kolide will be handled with uploading evidence manually. 

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