
Crowdstrike can be integrated into Secureframe to automate the evaluation and evidence collection of user endpoint management which is required for compliance frameworks.

Connecting the Integration

To integrate Crowdstrike with Secureframe, navigate to Integrations and search for "Crowdstrike" on the "Available Integrations" page and click "Connect". On the connection form, provide your Client ID, Client Secret and Base URL, and click “Start Connection”.

You can now navigate to the “Integrations” page and you should be able to see your Crowdstrike connection.

Once the integration is connected you will be able to see it in the “Integrations” page, you can control the following actions for your Crowdstrike integration through this page:

  • Check the connection status
  • Run a sync
  • Rename the connection
  • Archive the connection 
  • Reconnect

Asset Inventory

Once the connection is complete, you should now be able to see information related to devices pulled through Crowdstrike in the Asset Inventory page. 

Test Evaluation

  • User endpoint inventory (Crowdstrike)

This test evaluates the inventory of production user endpoints managed by Crowdstrike is maintained.

  •  Firewall enforcement for user endpoints (Crowdstrike)

This test evaluates that the local firewall cannot be disabled by the user and log continuously on production user endpoints which is enforced via Crowdstrike. 


Permissions, Fields, Controls, and Automated Tests

  1. Click the provided link or navigate to the “Integration” page.
  2. Select the “Available” tab.
  3. Search for the integration.
  4. Click “View Details”.

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