What is Datto RMM integration?
Our Datto RMM integration gives you the ability to sync devices related information from the Datto RMM account and automates compliance checks and evidence collection using the available data provided by Datto RMM REST APIs.
What compliance requirements are automated via DattoRMM?
Our integration can automatically collect evidence for the following compliance requirements:
- Anti-virus installed and running on user endpoints
- User endpoints are inventoried and tracked
- User endpoints are assigned owners
Due to API limitations on Datto's end, other requirements are not able to be automated.
How to connect the integration?
Follow the steps in this document to activate the API access and generate API Key, API Secret and API URL for the user account which is required to be entered in Secureframe Datto RMM connection form.
Navigate to Integrations > AVAILABLE INTEGRATIONS > Datto RMM
Which API endpoints does this integration consume?
This integration uses OAuth2 Basic to retrieve access token for authorizing API requests.
GET [API_URL]/api/v2/account/devices
GET [API_URL]/api/v2/audit/device/{deviceUid}
Permissions, Fields, Controls, and Automated Tests
- Click the provided link or navigate to the “Integration” page.
- Select the “Available” tab.
- Search for the integration.
- Click “View Details”.
Visit How to Activate the API section for more details.
Why I'm seeing FAILED test for Anti-malware enabled even though the endpoint has antivirus software installed and running?
If such test is failing and you are not getting the green check on Anti-virus column of the device(s) listed in Asset Inventory, it probably means that the antivirus status is not reported to Datto RMM through the agent. If it is detected and you can see the antivirus details on Datto RMM dashboard, please reach out to our Customer Success team to report this as an issue. If the antivirus is not detected by Datto RMM, this can be due to following reasons:
- The device is a MacOS or Linux based. Datto RMM mostly supports antivirus products for Windows based devices. Some antivirus products for MacOS are also supported. Please refer to their documentation on supported antivirus products.
- Supported antivirus is installed but not running.
- Supported antivirus is not installed at all.
You can use an antivirus status override file to update the device's antivirus status being reported to Datto RMM. Please refer to this guide for overriding antivirus status if deemed necessary.
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