
Cloudflare is a web infrastructure and security company that provides content delivery, DDoS mitigation, and DNS services to enhance website performance, reliability, and security.

Secureframe scans various Cloudflare resources and configurations to ensure compliance and automatically gather evidence.

Setup & Configuration

To integrate Cloudflare with Secureframe, navigate to Integrations and search for “Cloudflare” on the “Available Integrations” page. Click “Connect” and follow the steps in the connection form.

Permissions, Fields, Controls, and Automated Tests

  1. Click the provided link or navigate to the “Integration” page.
  2. Select the “Available” tab.
  3. Search for the integration.
  4. Click “View Details”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am having an issue with my Cloudflare integration?

  • The most common issue with Cloudflar is missing permissions. I would recommend you check and verify that the following permissions are selected and saved in your settings? Those Cloudflare permissions can be found here.
  • We recommend you verify whether the token created for Secureframe has read permissions.

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