
DigitalOcean is an infrastructure cloud hosting provider that offers cloud computing and infrastructure services.

Secureframe scans various DigitalOcean resources and configurations to ensure compliance and automatically gathers evidence for your audit. 

Connecting the Integration

To integrate DigitalOcean with Secureframe, navigate to Integrations and search for "DigitalOcean" on the "Available Integrations" page. Click "Connect" and follow the steps in the connection form. 

Secureframe integrates with both DigitalOcean Projects and Spaces. To connect a Space, a Project must also be connected. If connecting a Space after connecting the related Project, re-connect with the same Project API token and and specify the Spaces key configuration.


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Projects are a group of DigitalOcean resources (like Droplets, Spaces, and load balancers). You can create projects that align with the applications, environments, and clients that you host on DigitalOcean.

Secureframe requires a Personal Access Token in order to integrate with DigitalOcean Projects.

Personal Access Tokens support at least read and optional write scopes while creating a token on API Tokens page.

Secureframe DOES NOT require write scope in order to integrate with DigitalOcean. 

Users should also specify an expiration period for thier Personal Access Token. (options: 30/60/90 days, 1 year, Never expire). In order to prevent service interruptions, it's suggested to use tokens that Never expire for Secureframe integrations.



Spaces is an S3-compatible object storage service, and are ideal for storing static, unstructured data like audio, video, and images as well as large amounts of text.

Secureframe requires a Spaces Key in order to integrate with DigitalOcean Spaces.

Creating a Spaces key is a straightforward action. To generate Spaces access keys, from the control panel, click API (additional information).

Currently, Spaces keys are both read and write; however, there is no Secureframe functionality utilizing write functionality.  DigitalOcean does not currently support read-only keys.

Secureframe will scan Spaces and relevant resources only if a Spaces key is provided in the connection form.


Supported Regions

The regions supported through the Secureframe integration include:

Datacenter Region
NYC1 New York City, United States
NYC3 New York City, United States
AMS3 Amsterdam, the Netherlands
SFO2 San Francisco, United States
SFO3 San Francisco, United States
SGP1 Singapore
LON1 London, United Kingdom
FRA1 Frankfurt, Germany
TOR1 Toronto, Canada
BLR1 Bangalore, India
SYD1 Sydney, Australia


Permissions, Fields, Controls, and Automated Tests

  1. Click the provided link or navigate to the “Integration” page.
  2. Select the “Available” tab.
  3. Search for the integration.
  4. Click “View Details”.

Additional Information

Due to limitations in DigitalOcean's API, user integration data typically populated in Vendor Access is not supported. 

If you encounter any issues or have any concerns, we kindly request you to reach out to our dedicated support group for prompt assistance. Our support team is highly trained and committed to providing you with the best possible solutions to ensure a seamless experience.

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