If you want to make changes to a Secureframe-authored control that includes removing certain mappings you now can through the duplicate control flow.
This will create a custom control with the Secureframe-authored control as a starting point. By starting with the mappings of the Secureframe-authored control, you will not have to re-do all the mappings that still make sense for your version of this control.
After the control is created you can update, create mappings, or delete mappings as you see fit.
How to duplicate a control
- Navigate to your control that you would like to duplicate
- Click "Duplicate..." on the top right
- Update the details of your new control
- Control ID must be unique
- To create a control that starts in a draft state, set the implementation date for a date in the future
- Decide what you want to do with the source control (mark as N/A, delete or do nothing)
- Done!
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