Mark Framework Requirements and Controls as N/A

On the Frameworks or Controls page, you can designate a Framework Requirement or Control as N/A.

To mark a Framework Requirement (FR) as N/A:

  1. Within the Frameworks page, on the FR line click the 3 dots icon.
  2. Select Mark as not applicable.


  1. On the Frameworks page, click on a specific framework requirement.
  2. Click the Mark requirement as NA button.

To mark a control as N/A:

  1. On the Frameworks or Controls page, click the 3 dots on the line of the control. 
  2. Select Mark as not applicable.


  1. On the Frameworks or Controls page, click on a specific control.
  2. Click the Mark control as NA button.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my test marked Not Applicable or N/A by Secureframe?

  • One scenario would be that the Test in question has no mapped Controls, which we call an Unmapped Control State. A new " Unmapped" state more clearly show what controls are actively being used in your implemented control set. Controls that are not mapped to at least one active framework requirement will now show as "Unmapped" in the Inactive tab of this page.

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