Filtering in the Secureframe app

Many pages on the Secureframe Monitoring dashboard offer filters to display more relevant information. Here is a quick overview of our filter features.

Applying a filter

More than one filter can be applied to display more selective results. Filters are automatically applied to table view results.

  1. Clicking Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_4.24.38_PM.png will bring up the filter panel.
  2. Click Add filter and use the fields provided to configure a filter clause. 
  3. Once you've configured your filter clauses, click anywhere off the filter panel to return to the table view.

Saving filters as table views

You can save useful filters as table views, or make your favorite filter the default table view.

  1. Click the dropdown field to the left of the Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_4.24.38_PM.png button to see the available table views. Click Create new table view to save a new table view.
  2. Enter a name for the table view. Click Create.
    Previously saved filters will be displayed in the dropdown.
  3. To edit the filtering details, click the name of the table view you'd like to edit.
  4. Click the Screenshot_2023-03-31_at_4.24.38_PM.pngbutton to add filter clauses for the current table view. When a new clause has been applied, a yellow indicator appears beside the table view name indicating the changes are not saved.
  5. When the yellow indicator is present, you'll have the option to save changes by clicking the table view dropdown. Then click Save to save the filter clauses in the current table view.
  6. Click the three-dot icon for additional table view options including:
    • Rename
    • Duplicate
    • Set default
    • Delete

Organizing the data columns

Some pages in the Secureframe app allow you to rearrange the data columns for the displayed results.

  1. Where it applies, click Screenshot_2023-04-02_at_12.57.04_PM.png to bring up the data columns panel.
  2. The panel will show all the columns available in the table view. You can:
    • Use the check box to hide or display certain columns.
    • Click and hold the multi-dot icon to drag and reorder the data columns.

Exporting a table view

The contents of a table view can be exported:

  1. Click the Export... button on the right in the top bar to open the export options pop-up.
  2. On the export options pop-up  you can:
    • Enter the export file name.
    • Choose the export format.
    • Choose Direct Download to download the file to your computer.
    • Choose Add export to Data Room to export the file to your data room exports folder.
  3. Click Export to create the file.

Selecting All to see more features

Nearly every page has a Select All feature which, when selected, provides many additional helpful options for interacting with your data.



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