To maintain readiness for your next SOC 2 Type 2 audit, please consider the following:
For any controls/tests that you set as weekly or monthly, evidence needs to be retained for every week or month within the Type 2 window.
For quarterly controls/tests, evidence needs to be refreshed for every quarter within the Type 2 window.
Secureframe test: User access reviews
- Remember that this includes non-integrated in-scope tools and your developed application
Secureframe tests: External vulnerability scanning, Internal vulnerability scanning
- Remember that “external” refers to your web application and any public-facing endpoints.
For annual and semi-annual controls/tests, you only need evidence at least once in the year prior to the end of the Type 2 window. In other words, these don’t need to be refreshed when going from a Type 1 to a Type 2 window shorter than a year (i.e. 3, 6, or 9 months).
Review workstations, assets, and cloud resources annually - see “Asset List” section below for continuous monitoring items
- You can evidence this is to utilize tasks for "Cloud infrastructure asset inventory", "User endpoint inventory", and "Version control repository inventory" tests to indicate a review.
- Secureframe test: Security incident tabletop exercises
- Secureframe test: Business continuity and disaster recovery tabletop exercises
- Secureframe test: Backup restoration testing
Secureframe test: Board of directors meeting minutes
- Or senior leadership meeting minutes if no board of directors
Secureframe test: Annual performance review
- For employees who have been with the organization for at least one year)
- Secureframe test: Annual security awareness training
- All policy acceptance-related tests as applicable under the ORG-16 control
Secureframe test: Risk assessment
- Review and update the risk register, and add any new risks as appropriate
Secureframe tests: Vendor risk assessments, Vendor reviews
- Procure and upload SOC 2 reports or equivalents annually as new reports come out. Review these reports and note any areas of concern on the respective vendor page.
- Secureframe test: Penetration testing
Secureframe test: Baseline configurations
- Review server baselines and configurations for networking ports, protocols, services, and firewalls.
The following control areas will be sampled by the auditor for occurrences during the Type 2 window:
New Hires
Access Onboarding Tickets
- Tickets should track personnel name, start date, role, system permission grants, and final approval with a timestamp.
- Secureframe test: User access tracking
Background Checks
- Secureframe test: New hire screening
Security Training
- Secureframe test: Security awareness training at hire
Policy Acceptance
- Secureframe test: All policy acceptance-related tests as applicable under the ORG-16 control
Access Onboarding Tickets
Current Employees
Access Role Change and Transfer Tickets
- Tickets should track personnel name, transfer date, system permission changes, and final approval with a timestamp.
Secureframe test: User access tracking
- Remember that this includes non-integrated in-scope tools and your developed application
Access Role Change and Transfer Tickets
Terminated Employees
Access Offboarding Tickets
- Tickets should track personnel name, end date, system permission revocations, and final approval with a timestamp.
Secureframe test: User access tracking
- Remember that this includes non-integrated in-scope tools and your developed application
Access Offboarding Tickets
Code/Application Changes
All code changes must have pull requests that require branch protection/independent approval (dev can't push own code), CI testing, dependency testing, and SAST scanning prior to the code entering production. All code changes must be linked to a ticket with change context unless that context is provided sufficiently in the PR.
- Secureframe tests: Code change tracking, Code pull request approvals, Version control branch approval configurations, Code dependency testing, Code integration testing, Code static analysis security testing
All code changes must have pull requests that require branch protection/independent approval (dev can't push own code), CI testing, dependency testing, and SAST scanning prior to the code entering production. All code changes must be linked to a ticket with change context unless that context is provided sufficiently in the PR.
Infrastructure/System Changes
Major/critical infra changes made via infra as a code, management console, CLI, etc. must have a ticket providing context of the change along with formal change approval. Examples of major changes include: spinning up a new prod DB, exposing VPCs, configuring a firewall, etc.
- Secureframe test: System change tracking and resolution
Major/critical infra changes made via infra as a code, management console, CLI, etc. must have a ticket providing context of the change along with formal change approval. Examples of major changes include: spinning up a new prod DB, exposing VPCs, configuring a firewall, etc.
Security Incidents
All incidents must be assigned a priority and tracked to remediation via a ticketing system. Incident progression and updates should be documented in the ticket. Upon resolution, incidents must undergo a lessons learned process to reflect on incident findings and ways to prevent similar incidents in the future. Tracking should include any security concerns communicated internally or externally.
- Secureframe tests: Incident tracking and resolution, Address critical security incidents, Security incident lessons learned
All incidents must be assigned a priority and tracked to remediation via a ticketing system. Incident progression and updates should be documented in the ticket. Upon resolution, incidents must undergo a lessons learned process to reflect on incident findings and ways to prevent similar incidents in the future. Tracking should include any security concerns communicated internally or externally.
Asset List
All cloud assets, code repos, and user endpoints must have an owner assigned.
- Secureframe tests: User endpoint ownership, Version control repository ownership, Cloud infrastructure asset ownership
User endpoints should be encrypted-at-rest, be compliant with company password policy, and have AV installed. It is also recommended to enforce security updates, screen lock policy, and firewall enforcement.
- Secureframe tests: Hard drive encryption for user endpoints, Password policy enforcement/monitoring for user endpoints, Automatic security update enforcement for user endpoints, Screen lock enforcement for user endpoints, Anti-malware enforcement for user endpoints, Firewall enforcement/monitoring for user endpoints
All cloud assets, code repos, and user endpoints must have an owner assigned.
Data Disposal List
Data disposal requests from customers, vendors, and other external parties must be addressed based on SLAs / regulatory obligations - these requests must be documented and tracked.
- Secureframe test: Deletion and retention of customer data
Data disposal requests from customers, vendors, and other external parties must be addressed based on SLAs / regulatory obligations - these requests must be documented and tracked.
Signed contracts / MSAs for customers (unless signed up via terms of service).
- Secureframe tests: Customer confidentiality and security requirements, Confidentiality requirements in agreements
Signed contracts / MSAs for customers (unless signed up via terms of service).
Signed contracts / MSAs for vendors (unless signed up via their terms of service)
- Secureframe test: Vendor confidentiality and security requirements
Signed contracts / MSAs for vendors (unless signed up via their terms of service)
Configuration tests that required manual upload screenshots to pass (i.e. password screenshots) may need to be re-observed by the auditor with a time stamp dated within the Type 2 period. Be sure to set the test interval to annual so you can be prompted for an update during the next cycle.
Integration and Platform tests: just keep them green throughout the year!
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