Email notification settings

There are 2 primary objectives to Email Notifications in Secureframe. These allow admins to set the frequency for all personnel to receive task notifications.

  1. Employee specific are relative to onboarding tasks like Policy Acknowledgement, Security Awareness Training, Background checks and more. The goal here is to continually remind users to complete their tasks.
  2. Admin specific notifications include administrative responsibilities like following up on users who have not onboarded, policies past their annual review period, integration errors, and more. This helps assist admins when administrative related items that are due or errors that need addressing. 

If these are set properly, a user who has any outstanding tasks (accepting policies, completing security training, filling out the background check form, etc.) will be notified to complete these by email based on the frequency configured in these settings. The notifications will stop once those tasks are completed. 

Email notification settings for the entire company

Email notification settings is how you send reminder emails to personnel with pending tasks, such as accepting policies, prompting them to complete their tasks on the platform.

Note that updating the frequency will override previous notification settings for all users.

  • Using the Left Navigate, click on Personnel 
  • Click on the Settings (gear icon)
  • Go to the "Email Notification" tab
  • Set the "Frequency Override" to daily, weekly, or biweekly

Email notification settings for individuals ("My Settings")

In addition to the global settings above, each employee can also adjust their own notifications by clicking your profile avatar > my settings > notification tab. There is a dropdown option next to Personnel Tasks to adjust the frequency. 

Once on this screen, the user can adjust frequency for a number of different notification types. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I send email notifications to a specific group in need of reviewing their policies?

  • No, not at this time. Notification reminders would go to all Personnel who have pending tasks. 
  • We are however working on a custom notification system to accomplish this task and will update this article once launched. 

Who gets dashboard email notifications like Integration errors?

  • Notifications related to the dashboard might include Integration errors, Risk indicators, Assets, etc...and these would go to all Admins.
  • This could include Admins, Super Admin or any custom roles you have created that might have limited access but would still be considered an Admin. 

Can an Admin view each of the user's notification frequency? 

  • Yes, on the Personnel page table there is a column for each user's frequency setting under Task Notifications.

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Can a user update their own notification setting?

  • Yes, by clicking your profile avatar > my settings > notification tab. There is a dropdown option next to Personnel Tasks to adjust the frequency. 

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