Test Activity Dashboard

The Test Activity tab is the space for Secureframe to release updates and changes to your Test suite to your account.

It is comprised of two primary functions, whicn include New Tests available and Updates to existing Tests.

  1. New Tests available portion of the dashboard will show updates when small changes have been made by governing bodies to the compliance frameworks you have purchased or changes have been requested by our trusted Audit Partners.
  2. Updates to existing Tests portion of the dashboard, you will be notified of technical updates to existing tests. To ensure the most seamless transition, each update is accompanied with a change description.

Test activity Updates

We will notify you on your Test page when you have any Tests that require action:

In addition to this in-app notice, all super-admins and admins will receive a notice of Test activity via email:


Recommended and Required Implementation Dates

These are important dates for the introduction of Test Activity to your account. They impact the cadence of Test introductions into your suite of Tests.

  • Recommended Implementation Date: A user controlled setting in your Test Settings that allow you to set the default update cadence. When Secureframe introduces new or updated Tests to your account, the "countdown" to when it will automatically be added to your Tests.
  • Required Implementation Date: A Secureframe setting that sets the date where a Test MUST be actioned on. If action is not taken the Test will automatically be added to your account. This will be minimum 3 weeks after Secureframe introduces the updates to your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often will I get released new tests?

  • If applicable, new tests will be released on the last Friday of every month. You will have at least 3 weeks to take action on the Test activity before we automatically update your account with the new test.  

How long do I have to take action?

  • Each test will show you how many days until it gets added to your account on the test itself:
  • The default "Recommended implementation date" is what determines this countdown.  It is defaulted to 14 days but can be updated in your test settings: https://app.secureframe.com/tests/settings
  • You can select a maximum of 28 days as a default. Most Test activity will give you at least 4 weeks before you have to take action. 

How will this Test update impact my account?

  • New Tests - For new Tests, you will have the option to add the Test or mark it as N/A to your company. By marking a Test as N/A you are acknowledging that the test objective does not apply to your business or you have achieved the objective through another custom test that you have created.
  • Updated Tests - For these tests, you can delay but will have to accept the changes before the required implementation date. When you accept you will see the change description describing the changes that are made as well as the status of the new Test that you have added. You will also see the Test attributes that have been copied over from the old test.



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