Merge users

It can be quite common for users to exist with multiple email's or duplicate accounts in Secureframe. The most common reason are domain changes, but you will also encounter the use of personal email addresses in certain applications that can create duplicates.

These accounts can be easily merged into one primary profile.

To merge user accounts, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Personnel page from the left side bar menu
  2. Use the search box or scroll through the Personnel list in order to find the accounts to be merged
  3. Use the checkbox next to each persons name to select all applicable accounts you want to be merged 
  4. Once you have selected one or more users a pop-up will appear at the bottom of your screen with Merge being one of the options 
  5. After selecting Merge we will ask what the preferred email via a drop down menu. Note: This should be the users primary email and what will be displayed on the Personnel Table
  6. Screen_Shot_2022-11-17_at_11.37.20_AM.png
  7. Once the correct email has been selected, click Confirm and the accounts will merged. 

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