Secureframe Support Portal

The Secureframe Support Portal is your all in one help center, create a new request, view current status and make updates to your tickets.....seamlessly with your Secureframe credentials.

How to access the Portal

  1. If already logged into Secureframe, use the Help & Support icon located the top right corner to sign in.
  2. You may also visit using any web browser


Logged in View

Now that you are logged in; you'll want to see a list of all your tickets

  • Click your icon in the top right
  • Select My activities

My Activities

  • Submit a new Request (you can also email
  • My Requests: All tickets you have submitted
  • Requests I'm CC'd on: Another user submitted the request, but cc'd you


Click into a row to see details, comment history, attachments etc.

You can also add to the comments, attached screenshots, files and even mark the ticket as solved, all from within the portal. 

Create a New Request

New inquiries can be created by sending an email to OR you may create them from within the portal.

  • On the "My Activities" page, click the button "Submit a request"
  • Fill in the form, add attachments if you have them, screenshots etc.
  • Click Submit and a new ticket will be generated and our support staff will reply back shortly.


View of Tickets

  • Standard users can view and edit their own tickets within their organization.
  • Admin users can view and edit their own tickets PLUS view, add comments and follow any tickets in their organization. Even the ones created by their team members.



Please reach out to to open a ticket or with any questions. 


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